What We're All About

We all know someone that’s been diagnosed with cancer, but we all have different experiences with the disease. For some, it’s a distant relative or a friend-of-a-friend. For others, it’s their best friend or an immediately family member. And for some of us, it’s MANY of these people — and maybe even you.

No matter ‘who’ the individual is, we have all been affected by cancer in some way, shape or form. We've all experienced that helpless feeling when trying to be supportive, and we all know how challenging it can be to maintain a positive attitude at times. Nevertheless, being surrounded by positivity and a strong support system is sometimes the only way to get through these moments. And so, we quickly learn to stay strong for each other.

But -- what about the individuals that don’t have a network of support? Or those moments we aren’t able to be there to offer support, especially when they need it the most? What if all they needed to hear was a simple, "you got this"!

Now, imagine if a complete stranger -- someone simply walking down the street or even standing in a subway car -- could offer that necessary boost of support without even speaking. Imagine if just by simply being present, they were able to convey a message that says, “you've got this" and “you are NOT alone”? What if we ALL could be that supportive stranger -- just by simply wearing Little Cells?


Little Cells was created to do exactly just that — to offer the greater cancer community and its members, a feeling of support in the most unexpected places and by the most novel means possible. We prove that showing your support is no longer limited to wristbands and ribbons, and it is by no means ordinary. We are the first to officiate the rather unlikely marriage between science, fashion and home decor, all for a greater purpose.

We create beautifully bold designs, utilizing images of living cells that are captured via microscopy. And we tell the unforetold truth that cancer can, in fact, be beautiful when viewed from a different perspective.We understand that few get the opportunity to look through a microscope or appreciate the beauty of little cells in their natural microscopic state. And even less get the chance to visualize the physical agent that we have all been afflicted by — cancer.

Our products seek to expose the ‘beauty in the beast’ and serve to appreciate all forms of life at the cellular level — hence the name, Little Cells. Our mission is to provide beautifully bold and functionally creative products that serve a greater purpose. Bold -- in the sense that they elicit curiosity and intrigue, while maintaining the natural elements of beauty. And function, by way of distinction — in that our everyday items can serve as recognizable articles that can let others know, “you are not alone”.

Most importantly, Little Cells serves as a platform to help fund research for rare cancer with 50% of all proceeds being donated directly to research programs. Every sale helps in discovering better methods of diagnosing and treating cancer, as well as bringing us one step closer to finding a cure.

Little Cells allows you to show your support for a greater cause in the most fashionable way possible, and to be that unexpected boost of positivity among a sea of strangers. Moreover, just by simply making a purchase from Little Cells, you become an active participant in the funding of rare cancer research.

Together, we can truly make it so that no one fights alone.

Little Cells, Big Purpose.